First Test Ride with Mystic – A Successful Rehearsal for the Adventure!

Published on 28 December 2024 at 13:09

Hello everyone! Today, my cat companion Mystic and I took an important step in preparing for our upcoming cycling adventure: a test ride! It was a grey day, but unusually windless, which was perfect for a first outing.

Before we set off, Mystic got some extra treats as motivation. She then willingly(and with a bit of encouragement) hopped into her carrier, which also doubles as a backpack. I had lined it extra softly with her favorite blanket to make it as comfortable as possible. I then placed the carrier in my specially built bike basket.

The basket is made from an IKEA wooden apple crate(KNAGGLIG) that I’ve stained to withstand outdoor use. It feels both sturdy and safe, which is important when transporting your most precious cargo!

We took a short ride around the neighborhood, and took the opportunity to hand out some flyers for my roller derby team, Helltown Hellcats! The roads were mostly asphalt and there was hardly any traffic, except for a few kids cycling and skateboarding – probably testing out new Christmas presents.

At the beginning of the ride, Mystic stood up in the carrier and curiously watched everything happening around us. But after just a few minutes, she settled down comfortably and seemed to enjoy the view. Since I was cycling at a leisurely pace and stopped frequently to put flyers in mailboxes, we never reached any high speeds. It was more like a relaxed sightseeing tour.

We were out for about 45 minutes, and Mystic seemed very content the whole time. She was calm and appeared to enjoy her little "carriage." When we got back home, she got some more treats as a reward and then jumped up on the sofa for a well-deserved nap after her little adventure.

This test ride was really successful! It feels like both Mystic and I will be able to enjoy our planned adventure. It’s good to know that she seems comfortable in her carrier riding the bike and that the cycling itself works well. Now I'm even more excited to set off for real!

What do you think? Do you have any tips for traveling with a cat? Please leave a comment!

Purrs and buzz!

Mystic and WaspBee

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